ADHD Screeners

The team at Dr. Hubley Carruthers & Associates conduct screener assessments for adults with possible ADHD. These screener assessments are more streamlined and less costly than the full-scale assessments that are conducted at local assessment-based practices and can help to determine IF a full-scale assessment is, in fact, necessary. The screener does not lead to a diagnosis of ADHD but rather, it speaks to the likelihood of whether the disorder exists. The ADHD screener includes a full diagnostic clinical interview, including developmental history, self-report measures of attention related symptoms (for the client and those in his or her workplace, academic or family environments), as well as stimulus response testing on the computer. The screener takes approximately 2.5 hours total time to complete and an extra half hour to deliver verbal feedback and receive a brief written summary. This may pave the way for further testing, or an evaluation by the family physician regarding medication management of ADD / ADHD or related conditions.