Individual Therapy

We provide specific expertise in the treatment of the following issues:
- Adolescent adjustment problems
- Adjustment disorders
- Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD & ADHD)
- Disorders of Attention, Memory & Executive Functioning
- Anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder, OCD, health anxiety, performance anxiety, social anxiety)
- Behavioural Problems (habit change)
- Burnout (individual, organizational & family)
- Career Transition
- Caregiver Burdon / Burnout
- Conflict resolution & communication
- Co-parenting (planning, agreements, communication)
- Coping with chronic illness (adjustment to diagnosis, treatment adherence)
- Family violence & problems related to abuse
- Fear of medical and dental procedures
- Loss & bereavement
- Mood disorders (depression & bi-polar)
- Pain
- Perfectionism
- Personality disorders
- Procrastination
- Relational problems – issues related to dating, pre-marriage, marriage, co-parenting, separation, divorce adjustment, etc.
- Sexual & gender identity issues
- Sleep problems
- Social problems / shyness / social anxiety
- Substance-related disorders
- Toileting difficulties [including nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting); diurnal enuresis (daytime urinary accidents), and encopresis (fecal soiling)]
- Trauma (including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
- Work Place Stress / Occupational Problems / Burnout
Our highly trained psychologists can help you to develop your virtual “toolbox” of skills. You can then use these new skills to more effectively manage your thoughts (cognitions), feelings, behaviors, and to improve your overall relationships.